Tuesday, September 2, 2014

     I've never snorted cocaine. I've never used meth. I've never shot up heroine. Yet I am familiar with the high not seeming to last as long as it used to. I feel sometimes as if I don't stay tired anymore. The burning and the panting and the pain stop after a few minutes and the life that I felt slips away just like that. My body fatigues. I find that out later when I put it though the paces again. I find it very possible to get addicted to exercise. 
     A person can run from their problems for a while, but they eventually have to stop and face the music. No, not the music that has been drowning out all but the loudest screams their heart and brain can muster. The endorphins eventually seem to run out and they find themselves in the same situation they were before, plus physical fatigue. No one can run from themselves forever. No one can run from their problems forever. I would much rather a person let out anger exercising than in a plethora of other more negative options, but it just doesn't solve everything. Just like a drunk wakes up the next morning remembering the problems they tried to forget the night before, a runner finds themselves in the same life before and after the run. WAKE UP!
     Does this mean I will stop running and exercising? Are you kidding me? No! Not until my legs give up completely and fall off from use. I just know that running is not the answer to all frustrations in life. Facing the music isn't fun sometimes. It is of the utmost importance to make good decisions.
     Wrestling made me realize that we can't be scared to make decisions in life. If you don't explode on the bottom you most likely won't get up. You will stay on the bottom and be beaten into the mat. You have to decide to get up. Once that whistle blows, you stand, you sit out, you switch, you granby, you try to stand again, anything to get yourself in a better place. Even if you do something wrong, at least you are moving.
     We may be tempted to try to pause our stopwatches during training runs. The race clock never stops. It doesn't care that you are tired. It doesn't care that you need to go to the bathroom. Time never stops. Time doesn't care that you are tired. Time doesn't care that you messed up.
     This doesn't mean that no one cares. Even when it seems like no one in the world knows what's going on. Hit your knees and you will find someone that cares.
     Anger with oneself may be the most difficult to handle. Others can be forgiven and if you desire never seen again. You never get away from yourself. You can run around the world. You will never get away from your own mind. You might as well be at peace with it. 

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